Independence Day Party

Dear Miss Mary,

Our town has canceled all celebrations for Independence Day this year. No parade, no festival, no bands. Booooo!
Our kids love the Fourth of July parade and treats and fireworks. How can we make this holiday special on our own?

Your fan,

Paul T.


Dear Patriotic Paul,

Don’t fret, hon.’ You can still celebrate the Fourth – wait for it… INDEPENDENTLY. (Oh, I  just crack myself up.)

Well, if you ask me, this year calls for a DIY bike parade. Outdoors? CHECK! Safe distancing? CHECK! Totally Adorable? CHECK CHECK CHECK!

Bikes, trikes, wagons, scooters, even skates will make excellent “floats” for the parade. Whether on the sidewalk or in a (safe and empty) street, at the time of the parade, the neighborhood kids can make a tour of your block while parents sit and sip comfortably in the driveway or on the porch. How good does THAT sound?

Do you know someone crafty who can supervise the “float” decoration? This could be done at one location – gather up a collection of red-white-blue supplies (streamers, paper, signs, ribbons, whatever!) and let the kids go to town personalizing their transportation. Supervision is a good idea so the decor doesn’t cause an accident. 

Depending on how well you know your neighbors, you can extend the invite yourself or have your own kids  recruit the parade-goers. I think it would be adorable if you distributed mini flags for everyone to wave. Cheers and applause will make the kids feel like stars of the show! Maybe ask a few folks to take pictures of the event to remember all the creative ways we find to keep traditions.

Independence Day Refreshments

If you’re looking for something fresh to sip, the Paloma Shandy is a perfect session beverage for a hot, July day. 

I normally say, ‘Shake, Pour, Adore,’ but you can skip the shaking when beer’s involved. Trust me on that.

Add a patriotic playlist and you’ve got yourself a holiday to remember.


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