Ready, Set, Pantry Sweep!

Are you ready to make better-for-you choices when it comes to nutrition? Now is as good a time as any. Let’s begin!

Expired Products Pantry Sweep

What is a Pantry-Sweep?

A pantry-sweep is a purge of the products and ingredients that stand between you and your goals. The food we eat and the ingredients in that food can be the difference in how we feel, think, sleep, and age. In the sweep, you’ll take stock of/ get rid of foods and ingredients that contribute to inflammation, bloat, brain fog, or whatever other symptoms you’re ready to ditch.

Who should do a Pantry-Sweep?

It’s always a great idea to do a pantry-sweep once a year. (See our viral pantry sweep video!) Expiration dates aside, sometimes we hold on to things that slow us down and hold us back. Are you ready to make room in your life for new & healthy habits? Then this is for you.

Why should you do a Pantry Sweep? Sucralose quote

How to use the Pantry-Sweep worksheet:

First things first, know what you’re looking for. Read through the summaries below to refresh your memory and then use the worksheet to make your way through all the places where these ingredients might hide. It’s up to you whether you toss them right into the trash or take note of which of/how much of/how often these worse-for-you ingredients you consume. Once you find them, you can decide what to do.

  • SUGAR 

This is the easy one, right? Well, sort of. Look for Agave, Barley malt, Brown sugar, Cane juice/evaporated cane juice, Cane sugar, Cane syrup, Corn sweetener, Corn syrup, Corn syrup solids, Dextrose, Fructose, Fruit juice concentrates (for example, apple juice concentrate), Fruit nectars, Glucose, High fructose corn syrup, Honey, Invert sugar, Lactose, Malt sugar, Malt syrup, Maltose, Molasses, Raw sugar, Sucrose Syrup, Trehalose, and Turbinado.



These are the tricky sugar substitutes found in foods that are “low sugar” or “sugar free” but also in products where sugar is a no-no (think toothpaste & mouthwash!). They might be sugar-free and calorie free, but they cause a whole host of other problems. Look for Aspartame, Ace-K, Alitame, Cyclamate, Dulcin, Equal, Erythritol Glucin, Kaltame, Lactitol, Maltitol , Mannitol, Mogrosides, Neotame, NutraSweet, Nutrinova, Phenalalanine, Saccharin, Sorbitol, Splenda, Sucralose, Twinsweet, Sweet ‘N Low, and Xylitol.
Low-Sugar Living Pantry Sweep Checklist

Next Steps

Will you do a pantry sweep as part of your low-sugar journey? Were you surprised? Let us know your plans for cutting sugar and eliminating artificial sweeteners! You can join the discussion here.

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