Warm-up with a Steamy Cup of Peppermint Pat-Tea
Sinless Syrups aren't just for coffee, you know. When the mood (or weather) calls for a cuppa tea instead, Peppermint Pattie is a great partner to sweeten your sip.
Why Choose Tea?
Whether you are a regular tea-drinker or not, tea provides real advantages to a healthy lifestyle. It is lower in caffeine than coffee and is naturally packed with anti-oxidants.
Herbal and white tea have little to no caffeine, so anyone can enjoy them as a comforting drink when you're fighting a cold or trying to keep warm during a snowstorm.
If coffee upsets your stomach or makes you feel jittery, tea is a gentler way to start or finish your day.

Peppermint Pat-tea to the Rescue
Peppermint tea is especially nice after a meal or before bed. It makes a great, late-night habit if you're trying to avoid snacking. The clean, minty taste will make your mouth feel like you just brushed your teeth — and no one likes eating after brushing their teeth! Plus the warmth of it is comforting and will signal your body to start its lights-out sequence.
Adding Peppermint Pattie Sinless Syrup is a sugar-free way to turn any tea into peppermint tea. It adds the cool peppermint flavor and a little bit of natural sweetness from stevia leaf extract and monk fruit.

The Simplest Recipe
To make Peppermint Pat-tea, brew a cup of tea as you normally would. Maybe you have a vintage tea kettle from your gran or an electric one that makes boiling water in a flash. Even if you have to microwave the water, enjoying a cup of tea is a treat you deserve.
For a single cup, you might only need a teaspoon or two of Peppermint Pattie Sinless Syrup to make a delightful little mug of happiness for yourself or someone you love.
Let us know if you try this Peppermint Pat-tea recipe!