Treat Yourself to a Wisconsin Old Fashioned at Home


You may have had an Old Fashioned cocktail in other parts of the world, but in Wisconsin it is a kinder and gentler, adult beverage. Made popular in taverns and supper clubs throughout the state, the Old Fashioned is a staple. You really should try it as a slush… it is a party maker.

Miss Mary’s proudly launched our Wisconsin Old Fashioned Mix in 2020 to pay homage to our home state (and because we ALL needed a cocktail that year).

Serve up Wisconsin Old Fashioneds


If you think Wisconsin is all dairy farms and small towns, you don’t know the (literally) rich history of the vacationing glitterati in places like Lake Geneva and the famously charming Door County

That doesn't make the Wisconsin Old Fashioned a fancy-folk thing... you can find this delicious brandy-based cocktail in just about any tavern, dive bar, or outdoor festival throughout the Dairy State.

Wisconsin’s approach to the Old Fashioned is distinctive, winning it a cult-following. Ask any alumnus from the world-famous University of Wisconsin system and they'll tell you - once you've had a Wisconsin Old Fashioned, you'll always have a soft spot for them.

Unlike the rest of the world, Wisconsin makes the Old Fashioned with brandy. And while that may sound like your grandma's liquor of choice, don't knock it until you've tried it. It is especially delicious served fireside during a snow storm. 

Our favorite is having a Wisconsin Old Fashioned at the local Supper Club during Friday Fish Fry (two more Wisconsin things that you're going to want to try out asap). The way we hear it, upscale “Supper Clubs” are making quite a comeback.

Why not serve Miss Mary’s Old Fashioned Mix at your next dinner party?

Miss Mary's Old Fashioned Mix - with Brandy



A traditional Old Fashioned includes bourbon, sugar, and bitters. The Wisconsin Old Fashioned, however, has a few more ingredients. For example, you could order your Wisconsin Old Fashioned:

  • Sweet – with a floater (aka ‘wash’) of Sprite or 7up,
  • Sour – with a grapefruit soda like Squirt or 50/50 (actual Sour Mix works too), or
  • Pressed – with a combo of soda + seltzer (less sugar, more liquor flavor).

Our goal when we created Miss Mary's Tavern-style Old Fashioned Mix was to deliver the flavors of the famous cocktail with less sugar and fewer complicated steps. 

We think you should spend more time sipping your cocktail than mixing it.


Wisconsin Old Fashioned Recipe - Miss Mary's Mix


Combine 3 parts Brandy (we suppose you could make it with Bourbon if you're a trouble maker from Chicago*) with 1 part Miss Mary’s Old Fashioned in a rocks glass over ice. THAT'S IT.

We made it easy so you can enjoy the PERFECT cocktail any time.
Like we said, cocktails are meant to be enjoyed, not fussed over.

You can garnish with designer cherries or your basic Maraschino, and finish with a peel or wheel of orange for a fun pop of color or snacks for later. You can even glam it up with a Cara or Blood Orange if you’re feeling #extra.


If you haven’t tried a Wisconsin Old Fashioned in a while, let our version be what brings you back to your roots (or to ours).

    Make This Recipe 👇


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